Sunday, February 26, 2012

all about sin

I'm feeling slightly under the weather as I sit here and type this, but I'm really stoked for this topic. Tonight we're going to be looking at sin and attempting to put some of our concepts about sin back on the table. Here's the questions that are on my mind right now

  • Are we born into sin or are we born sinless?
  • Just what does sin do??
  • What exactly is sin?

Lets look at scripture and see just what it says about sin. Please feel free to comment and agree or disagree with me. The entire purpose of this group is to attempt to get Christians on the same  page and discuss some issues together. I'm not about to claim to have all the answers.

  1. What exactly is sin??


1   [sin]  Show IPA noun, verb, sinned, sin·ning.
transgression of divine law: the sin of Adam.
any act regarded as such a transgression, especially a willfulor deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle.
any reprehensible or regrettable action, behavior, lapse,etc.; great fault or offense: It's a sin to waste time.

^This is what the defines sin as, I feel like on a biblical level there is more to it than that.

The first time we see sin show its ugly head is in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The biggest consequence of their sin is that they were banished from the garden of Eden and forced to provide for themselves. 

In Romans 3:23 The bible says that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". It also says in Romans 3 God also gives us the law to help us understand what sin is and before that it explains that none of us are righteous.

In Psalms it says "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

Based on what  these scriptures and several others say, my conclusion is that sin is anything that separates us from our creator  or harms our relationship with our Creator. 

2. What does sin do??

James 1:15 says "Desire when it is conceived gives birth to sin and sin, when it is fully grown brings for death"

Romans 6:23 says "the wages of sin is death"

Paul doesn't seem to be talking about eternal death but spiritual death. It seems that  if we don't deal with our sin then we are sentenced to eternal death and are ultimately condemned to Hell.

Jesus paid the price for our sin and bought our salvation but we'll get to that later.

3. Are we born into sin or born sinless?

The first Human beings were created perfect, they messed it up when they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that point on the human race has been physically changed, we now have a limit to our time on earth, are conscious of our evil and sin willingly regularly.The question is whether our sin is innate or if it comes about later.

In Romans 7:15-18 paul seems to be struggling with the fact that he does everything he doesn't want to do and seems to suggest  that he struggles with innate sin inside of him.

David states in Psalm 51 that he was conceived in  sin and in other translations David says He was sinful at birth.

These are the two scriptures that seem to really address this issue. It seems that we are born sinful and that sin is always on us.

I believe that you can actually see evidence of original sins in small children, a child does not learn to push down his sister and take her cheerios when he is born without sin.

What do you think about sin?????

What do you agree with or disagree with about this post??

Let's talk!

Next post: just what do we do about this whole sin thing?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Empty table

My intent in starting this blog is not to be divisive among the body of Christ. I am not out to offend people. I am not out to make myself big. If anything I'm out to make myself small. I'm not out to further any agenda other than to seek the truth.

As a follower of Christ I believe that Jesus came to the earth born of a virgin, lived among dirty rotten human beings and taught them how to live, I believe that Jesus lived a sinless life, I believe that Jesus was nailed to a cross and died for the sins of the entire world for HIS glory, I believe that Jesus rose again three days later, and I believe that Jesus is coming back to save all of His creation.

These are pretty serious claims, they're based on what the bible says. I believe these things because I understand that the bible is the truth. If I believe that I have been saved by Jesus then I have to believe what the rest of this book says. I believe the creation story in Genesis all the way to the last word in the bible is true. 

While there are several applications to every ounce of the bible there is only one truth found in it. With that said, I believe that we have strayed away from the truth that is in the bible as a church. 

A few months ago I heard about a philosopher named Rene Descartes. Descartes pictured his mind as a table with everything he had ever learned or thought he knew sitting on top of it. Descartes in his mind took everything off the table and started attempting to put everything that he had figured out as real and as truth back on the table.

My intent with this blog is to help us do this as Christians, I intend to take everything that I think I know about Jesus off the table and put everything that I can figure out back on. This will be done using the bible as my only tool. Over the course of this journey please feel free to leave comments and insights, let's find the truth of the Gospel together.

As of right now my table is empty. It's time to start the party.

Let's grow together.